Top 9 Best Places To Visit In Bodh Gaya Where Need To Know For Your Trip

User By Marcus Richard

Bodh Gaya, a charming town in Bihar located on the banks of the Neranjana River, is revered as a religious destination, particularly among Buddhists from all over the world. Places to visit in Bodh Gaya offer a fantastic holiday for anyone seeking a soul-calming experience, with an array of Buddhist temples and pilgrim attractions. From the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Mahabodhi Temple, to the massive 80-foot Great Buddha Statue and the sacred Bodhi Tree, there are various features that make Bodh Gaya an ideal place to spend a few days. Check out the top Bodh Gaya tourist attractions to include in your schedule and enjoy the best of Bodh Gaya.

Explore the best Bodh Gaya tourist attractions for international travelers

Explore the best Bodh Gaya tourist attractions for international travelers

9 Places To Visit In Bodh Gaya

While arranging a journey to this quiet location, stop by these unique locations and have a vacation like no other.

1. Mahabodhi Temple

Mahabodhi Temple, also known as the "Great Awakening Temple," is a famous Buddhist shrine that displays portions of Lord Buddha's life. The attraction has significant relics from the 5th and 6th centuries AD. On the 48 sq. ft. basement, the massive 170 ft. temple stands as a cylindrical pyramid called shikhara. The Chataras, which represent religious sovereignty, stand atop the temple. You can visit the temple from 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. every day of the week.

Mahabodhi Temple is one of the popular tourist attractions in Bodh Gaya, India

Mahabodhi Temple is one of the popular tourist attractions in Bodh Gaya, India

2. Thai Monastery

Thai Monastery, or Wat Thai Buddhagaya, is located approximately 650 meters from Mahabodhi Temple and has a beautiful combination of Thai and Buddhist architecture. The monastery's focal point is a 25-meter-high bronze statue of Lord Buddha within. The sloping roof adorned with golden tiles epitomizes typical Thi architecture. Attend meditation courses every morning and evening to absorb the serene ambiance of this monastery.

3. Great Buddha Statue

With an astounding height of 80 feet. The immense Buddha Statue is one of the Bodh Gaya tourist attractions and holds immense religious importance. The open-air statue depicts Buddha in profound concentration on a lotus flower, preaching peace and harmony. This massive monument, made of sandstone and red granite slabs, took 12,000 stonemasons seven years to create. Inside the statue, there is a hollow spiral stairway going up to the chest, as well as around 16,300 miniature bronze representations of the Buddha.

The Buddha Statue is a place to immerse yourself by Buddhist

The Buddha Statue is a place to immerse yourself by Buddhist

4. Bodhi Tree

The Bodhi Tree is a massive holy tree noted for its overwhelming sanctity and is thought to be the direct descendant of the first Bodhi tree. According to legend, Buddha obtained enlightenment while meditating beneath this tree for seven weeks without shifting his posture. Animisalocana cetiya is a shrine located near where he meditated. You may also meditate beneath the same tree for the ultimate purification of mind and spirit.

The Bodhi Tree is a huge holy tree that is known for its sheer sacredness

The Bodhi Tree is a huge holy tree that is known for its sheer sacredness

5. Indosan Nippon Japanese Temple

Indosan Nippon Japanese Temple, built in 1972, is a model of Japanese architecture. Indosan Nippon Japanese Temple is fashioned from wood and bears a striking resemblance to Japanese temples. Aside from that, the temple has a number of Japanese artworks depicting Buddha's life. The primary purpose of constructing this temple is to preserve Buddhism and promote its teachings, particularly Lord Buddha's spiritual views. The temple is open from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. every day of the week.

Indosan Nippon Japanese Temple is one of the most beautiful places with Japanese architecture

Indosan Nippon Japanese Temple is one of the most beautiful places with Japanese architecture

6. Dungeshwari Cave Temples

Dungeshwari Cave Temples, located 13.9 kilometers from Bodh Gaya, is another important destination related to Buddha's life. Dungeshwari Cave temples, also known as Mahakala caves, are claimed to be where Buddha spent six years before descending to Bodh Gaya for enlightenment. Aside from the Hindu and Buddhist temples, the cave enchants visitors with its serene atmosphere.

7. Barabar Hill Caves

Barabar Caves, built during the Mauryan Empire 322-185 BCE, is one of the principal tourist places in Bodh Gaya, which is around 43.1 kilometers away. The cave takes pride in being one of India's oldest remaining rock-cut caverns. The caverns' unique selling point is its cutting-edge construction, with sharp rock cuts that compete with today's high-end buildings. Karan Chaupar, Sudama, Visvakarma, and Lomas Rishi are all part of the Barabar Hill cluster. Despite the fact that they are hill caves, there are a few Jain and Hindu sculptures.

Barabar Hill Caves is one of the best Bodh Gaya sightseeing places

Barabar Hill Caves is one of the best Bodh Gaya sightseeing placesĀ 

8. Bodhgaya Archaeological Museum

Bodhgaya Archaeological Museum, located near the Mahabodhi Temple complex, houses a diverse collection of Hindu and Buddhist antiquities, sculptures, and antiques dating from the 2nd century BC to the 11th century CE. Apart from the entrance and corridor, the museum was inaugurated in 1956 by the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso. The museum's excellent collection, which includes fascinating pictures of Buddha, Manjusri, Maitreya, and other critical Buddhist characters, makes it one of the tourist places to visit in Bodh Gaya.

9. Royal Bhutan Monastery

The Royal Bhutan Monastery, built as a memorial to Lord Buddha by the King of Bhutan, is one of the best places to visit in Bodh Gaya. The monastery displays 3-dimensional clay sculptures of scenes from Gautam Buddha's life. The magnificent building, a seven-foot-tall Buddha sculpture, and a tranquil ambiance around the monastery certainly merit your attention. Apart from visiting the monastery, you may spend some time in meditation to find inner peace.

Learn the best time to visit Bodh Gaya to have a smooth journey in India

Learn the best time to visit Bodh Gaya to have a smooth journey in India

Hidden facts about Bodh Gaya

The Bodhi tree discovered on the temple grounds was originally a seedling of the Maha Bodhi tree from Sri Lanka.
Ashoka visited this location 200 years after Buddha reached enlightenment, in 250 BCE, to construct a monastery and convert it into a sacred shrine.
The Great Buddha statue that exists today was the first huge Buddha statue ever created in India.

Explore The Best Time To Visit Bodh Gaya

During the summer, the temperature in Bodh Gaya may reach 48 degrees. The best time to visit Bodh Gaya is from October to March. Although it gets a large number of tourists during the Buddha Jayanti or Buddha Purnima (Buddha's birthday) celebrations in May.

How to plan a trip to Bodh Gaya

By train

Gaya Junction is the nearest railway station to Bodh Gaya and Patna is the nearest major railhead. There are many daily and weekly trains connecting Bodh Gaya to other major cities in India.

By Road

Gaya is well linked to Bihar's capital, Patna, and other towns. Driving from Patna to Bodh Gaya via NH 22 takes around four hours and covers 110 kilometers. There are various state-run buses that travel through Rajgir. BSTDC also offers a customized caravan service known as Wonder on Wheel between Patna and Bodh Gaya. Book a taxi from Patna to Bodh Gaya for a picturesque drive to your destination.

By Flight

The nearest airport is in Gaya, about 7 kilometers away. Several daily flights are accessible from different cities, including Patna, Kolkata, Varanasi, Delhi, and Allahabad. To reach this location, get a cab from Patna airport or rent a vehicle.

To make your travel plans seamless, obtaining an India e-visa through India Immigration Services is recommended. The e-visa simplifies the visa application process, allowing you to focus on discovering the best places to visit in Bodh Gaya without any hassle. So, plan your trip accordingly, secure an India e-visa, and get ready to embark on a remarkable journey to explore the wonders of Bodh Gaya.