Is there any direct flight from Denmark to India?
Yes, there is currently only one airline that offers direct flights from Denmark to India which is Air India offers direct flights from Copenhagen to Delhi.
The direct journey from Copenhagen to Delhi takes around 7 hours and 30 minutes, and the connecting flight from Billund to Delhi takes about 9 hours and 30 minutes. The flight from Copenhagen to Mumbai takes about 9 hours and 30 minutes.
Direct flights from Denmark to India are usually more expensive than connecting flights, but they can save you time and trouble. If you want to go from Denmark to India as quickly as possible, a direct flight is the best alternative.
Here are some of the airlines that offer flights with layovers from Denmark to India:
- Turkish Airlines offers flights with layovers in Istanbul.
- Emirates offers flights with layovers in Dubai.
- Qatar Airways offers flights with layovers in Doha.
- Lufthansa offers flights with layovers in Frankfurt or Munich.
The flight time from Denmark to India, including layovers, varies according to the airline and route, but it is usually between 12 and 15 hours. Flights with layovers are often less expensive than direct flights, but the journey duration is longer.
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