How long Canadian citizens can stay in India with OCI?

Canadian citizens can stay in India with an OCI  for an indefinite period. That means there is no specific restriction on the duration of their stay in India.

An Indian OCI (Overseas Citizen of India) is a special immigration status granted to certain foreign nationals with specific ties to India. Eligibility for OCI is extended to foreign nationals who were eligible to become Indian citizens on or after January 26, 1950, or individuals belonging to territories that became part of India after August 15, 1947, along with their children and grandchildren. The condition for eligibility is that their country of citizenship allows dual citizenship under local laws. Additionally, minor children of eligible individuals are also eligible for OCI. However, applicants who have ever held citizenship of Pakistan or Bangladesh cannot apply for this card.

With an OCI, Canadians have the following privileges:

  • A versatile, multiple-entry visa with a lifelong validity for visiting India.

  • Exemption from the requirement to register with local police authorities, regardless of the length of stay in India.

  • Equality with Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) regarding economic, financial, and educational matters, except for acquiring agricultural or plantation properties.

For Canadian citizens who do not hold an OCI card, a visa is required to travel to India. To learn more about an Indian e-visa for Canadian passport holders, you should visit our website Indian Immigration Services. 

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